The Global Cold Chain Expo and Conference has come and gone. With several thousand people attending the event it was great to share how nitrogen generator technology pioneered by Engineered Corrosion Solutions outperforms traditional desiccant air dryers and even newly introduced vacuum technology.
If you missed meeting with our team at the show, there is another opportunity to learn about the advantages of maintaining frozen and refrigerated operations with nitrogen generators.
Sign up for the Engineered Corrosion Solutions Cold Storage webinar to discover how to:
- Serve more systems with a single nitrogen generator than a regenerative air dryer
- Increase actual operational effectiveness (completely eliminate ice plugs and corrosion)
- Decrease annual maintenance costs and reduce energy usage
ECS will answer your cold storage freezer application questions plus cover:
- Available Technologies including Dry Air Pac™, Vacuum Based Systems, and Nitrogen Generators.
- Review Industry Guidelines on FM Global Property Loss Data Sheet 8-29 and NFPA 13 Section A.
- Best Practices to reduce ice and frost accumulation.
- How to reduce maintenance and extend system life for cold storage facilities.
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